Flash Friday 18/12: Student sex workers, Christmas dinner and a Santa fun run

Flash Friday 8/1: Cheating, red wine and YouTube stars
The Student Publication Association is pleased to announce the shortlist for its Best of 2015 competition.
After sifting through *literally* hundreds of entries from student journalists across the country, along with those from our records throughout the year, we are pleased to reveal a varied shortlist of 20 articles.
Judging will resume during the coming week – so make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for further announcements.
Best of 2015 Student Media Shortlist:
- UAE Student Questioned Over ISIS Course Reading: Peter Sheehan and Dan Falvey for Concrete, UAE
- Charity Fashion Shows Spends Three Times as Much as it Donates: Nathan Stilwell for The Glasgow Guardian, Glasgow
- SU President pays for 200m Hand Delivery of Paper: Will Saunders for The Badger, Sussex
- Drugs at Bristol University Investigation: Sarah Newey and Ben Parr for Epigram, Bristol
- The Human Reality of an A&E Placement: Rob Cleaver for The Medical Student
- UCL Spends Tens of Thousands on Biscuits: Rebecca Pinnington for Pi Media, UCL
- Global 100… But at What Cost?: James Beeson, Susannah Keogh & Fiona Potigny for Exepose, Exeter
- Balliol’s Shameful Treatment of a Disabled Student: Luke Mintz for the Oxford Student, Oxford
- Union Senate Fatally Flawed: Joe Evans for The Mancunion, Manchester
- Sexual Assault Probe After Revelation: Dulcie Lee, Olivia Jones and Delara Shakib for Roar!, KCL
- The NUS is alienating students: Dan Leedham for Label, Loughborough
- Anarchist Pickets End After Estate Agents Return Deposit: Mark Tovey for The Badger, Sussex
- Trinty’s Land Assets Valued at £730m: Anna Carruthers for The Cambridge Student, Cambridge
- Students angry at £270k bill to track them: Dan Seamarks for The QH, Westminster
- Anonymous Benefactor Hides Chocolate Around Library: Bridie Pearson Jones for Wessex Scene
- ‘Ant Infestation’ at Telford Court: Oliver Price and Laura Slingo for Trident Media, University of Hertfordshire
- It’s Okay to Love Children’s Plays: Angelica Hill for Cub Magazine, Queen Mary
- Two Imperial Students Sneak Into The Brit Awards: Philippa Skett for Felix, Imperial
- No Concern for Safety: Student’s Anger at Taxi Drivers: Anna Lewis for Gair Rhydd, Cardiff
- Disabled Students “Cut Off” from Campus Walkways: Chris Owen for Nouse, York