#FlashFriday 26/08: Frank Ocean, Bake-Off and Living on Mars

#FlashFriday: 23/09, Brexit, Corbyn and Homelessness
The countdown to freshers’ week has begun, SPA members across the country have been busy preparing to entice the new generation of writers and editors. Here’s the best of student journalism this week.
How to Get PhD Funding
Chris Waught, Politics Made Public
A great piece of satire that all post grad students can relate to.
Brock Turner lies at the intersection of every kind of privilege – not least, that of the college athlete
Xavier Greenwood, The Oxford Student
Excellent piece about the Brock Turner controversy, sensitively written and linking back to the student experience.
What does Brexit mean for research funding at the University of Warwick?
Hattie Rowan, The Boar
We love an FOI here at the SPA, and this is a great use of one.
That’s all for this week. Remember to tweet us your favourite articles @spajournalism.