#SPANC23 national awards shortlists announced

How the University of Sheffield is training resilient student journalists
Shape the future of the SPA
We’re halfway through March, and the SPA National Conference 2023 (#SPANC23) is now just around the corner.
If you’re coming along in-person, you’ll be getting a confirmation in your inbox in the next few days giving you all the details you need.
However, one of the most important things we’ll do over the course of the weekend will be holding our Annual General Meeting! Every year we bring our members together to elect a new committee as well as determine the focus of the charity for the year ahead.
This year’s AGM is going to be held on Sunday 2 April, the last day of #SPANC23 at the University of Glasgow, at 11am in Bar One.
We’ll be discussing any motions which are proposed by members, receiving a Trustees’ report and financial accounts, as well as electing all five Executive Officers and a Trustee.
Whilst many of us might be nursing a hangover from the SPA Awards and Dinner the night before, the AGM is still a hugely important part of the work our members do to influence the charity. So, how can you get involved?
- Scrutinise the work of the SPA, by looking over and questioning reports and accounts;
- Steer the direction and strategy of the SPA, by discussing and then voting on motions; and
- Stand for election, and vote to elect officers and trustees to lead the SPA for the next year (and beyond).
Any motions must be submitted to chair@spajournalism.com by March 18.
For more information about how to submit a motion or how you can get involved, please look through our guide.
Do also look out for our drop-in sessions over the weekend to meet the current team and see what you can do for the future of student journalism.