SPA Member Publications


Strathclyde Telegraph - University of Strathclyde

Blether Magazine - University of Strathclyde

Brig Newspaper - University of Stirling

Perspective - University of Edinburgh

EUSci - University of Edinburgh

Leviathan Journal of Politics and International Relations - University of Edinburgh

PublishEd - University of Edinburgh

The Student - University of Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Dot - University of Edinburgh

The Broad Online - University of Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Scientist - University of Edinburgh

ENRG - Edinburgh Napier University

Fibre - University of Dundee

The Magdalen - University of Dundee

Glasgow University Magazine (GUM) - University of Glasgow

Qmunicate Magazine - University of Glasgow

PITH - University of Glasgow

Hillhead Review - University of Glasgow

Groundings Undergraduate Journal - University of Glasgow

The Glasgow Guardian - University of Glasgow

Journal of Matters Relating to Felines - University of Aberdeen

The Creative Writing Society Compendium - University of Aberdeen

The Gaudie - University of Aberdeen

Protocol Magazine - University of St Andrews

The Saint - University of St Andrews

The Stand - University of St. Andrews

The St Andrews Economist - University of St Andrews

Radar Magazine - Robert Gordon University

theGIST (Glasgow Insight into Science and Technology) - Glasgow universities


The Courier - Newcastle University

The Sticky Note - Newcastle

SCAN - Lancaster University

Flash Literary Journal - Lancaster University

HARD - University of York

Circulation - University of York

The Lemon Press - University of York

Viva Voce - University of York

York Vision - University of York

Nouse - University of York

Muse - University of York

Vox Academic Journal - University of York

The York Historian - University of York

Leeds Human Rights Journal - University of Leeds

The Gryphon - University of Leeds

The Purple Pages - Leeds Beckett University

Salford Now - University of Salford

Spark - University of Sunderland

Fashion North - University of Sunderland

HullFire - Hull University

Liverpool Guild Student Media - University of Liverpool

Forge Press - University of Sheffield

Liberty Belle Magazine - University of Sheffield

The Mancunion - University of Manchester

aAh! Magazine - Manchester Metropolitan University

SportsByte - University of Sunderland

The Monocle - Durham University

THREAD Magazine - Durham University

The Bubble - Durham University

Palatinate - Durham University

Indigo - Durham University

HEX - Durham University

The Linc - University of Lincoln


Automotive - Coventry University

Global Eye - Coventry University

Concourse - Keele University

LABEL - Loughborough University

GLOBUS - University of Warwick

More Life Magazine - University of Warwick

Cobalt Magazine - University of Warwick

The Boar - University of Warwick

Perspectives - University of Warwick

PLANORAMA - University of Warwick

Pharos. - University of Warwick

Obiter Dicta - University of Warwick Law Society

Platform - Nottingham Trent University

The UOB Linguist - University of Birmingham

Redbrick - University of Birmingham

Solipse - Birmingham City University

Studio - Birmingham City University

The Mic - University of Nottingham

Lingo Magazine - University of Nottingham

Impact - University of Nottingham

The Phantom - University of Derby

People Behind the Headlines - University of Leicester

The Reality of Law - University of Leicester

Leicester Student Magazine - University of Leicester

Inside the Box - University Centre Peterborough

The Demon - De Montfort University

Leicestershire Press - De Montfort University

LittleLaw - University of Nottingham

South east

BlueSci - University of Cambridge

The Cambridge Student - University of Cambridge

Gender Agenda - University of Cambridge

The Cambridge Language Collective - University of Cambridge

The Cambridge Review of Books - University of Cambridge

Panoramic the Magazine - University of Cambridge

BlueStocking Oxford - University of Oxford

Cherwell - University of Oxford

The Isis - University of Oxford

The Oxford Blue - University of Oxford

The Oxford Middle East Review - University of Oxford

The Oxford Review of Books - University of Oxford

The Oxford Student - University of Oxford

Onyx Magazine - University of Oxford

Madras - University of Oxford

The Watched Pot - University of Oxford

The Oxford Scientist - University of Oxford

Brookes Broadcasts - Oxford Brookes University

Concrete - University of East Anglia

Incite Magazine - University of Surrey

The Stag - University of Surrey

InQuire Media - University of Kent

Invicta News - University of Kent

The Sound of Winchester - University of Winchester

The Badger - University of Sussex

The Channel - University of Sussex

The Edge - University of Southampton

Wessex Scene - University of Southampton

The Spark Newspaper - University of Reading

UNIfied - Canterbury Christ Church University


_shiftlondon - London College of Fashion

Artefact - London College of Communication

Carrot Magazine - City, University of London

Felix - Imperial College London

ICSM Gazette - Imperial College London

I Science - Imperial College London

Beacon - London School of Economics

Clare Market Review - London School of Economics

The Beaver - London School of Economics

GKT Gazette - King's College London

KCL Journal - King's College London

King's Business Review - King's College London

Roar News - King's College London

ScienceMind - King's College London

Satyrica - King’s College London

Scientia News - King's College London

Strand Magazine - King's College London

Smoke Magazine - University of Westminster

The Cheese Grater - University College London

Women’s Wrongs - University College London

The Economic Tribune - University College London

Pi Media - University College London

ERA Journal - University College London

UCL Film & TV Society Journal - University College London

UCL Science Magazine - University College London

RUMS Review - UCL Medical School

Analogue Mahazine - University College London

Asiatic Affairs - University College London

Delilah - University College London

Under City Lights - University College London

The Founder - Royal Holloway, University of London

Orbital - Royal Holloway, University of London

The River - Kingston University London

Kingston Courier - Kingston University

The SOAS Spirit - SOAS, University of London

Endorphin - London Metropolitan University

Verve Magazine - London Metropolitan University

ALT-Natives - London Metropolitan University

The Standard - American School in London

CUB Magazine - Queen Mary University of London

South west

That's What She Said Magazine - University of Bristol

Epigram - University of Bristol

The Croft - Bristol University

Utopia - Bristol University

La Civetta - University of Bristol

The Bristorian - University of Bristol

Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (BILT) Student Research Journal - University of Bristol

The Wig - University of Bristol

Bower News - University of the West of England (Bristol)

HUB Magazine - University of the West of England

Bath Time - University of Bath

The Doughnut - Plymouth Marjon University

Anchor News (from Surf Radio) - Falmouth and Exeter Universty

Exeposé - University of Exeter

RAZZ - University of Exeter

Farid the Zine - University of Gloucestershire

BUzz News - Bournemouth University


Mouth of the Ystwyth - Aberystwyth University

The Diff Daff - University of South Wales

The Waterfront - Swansea University

SEREN - Bangor University

Gair Rhydd - Cardiff University

Quench - Cardiff University

Tonic by Quench - Cardiff University

BGLZine - Blaenau Gwent Learning Zone Campus (Coleg Gwent)

Ireland & Northern Ireland

Motley - University College Cork

Polity - University College Cork

UCC Student Medical Journal - University College Cork

University Express - University College Cork

Etc. Magazine - University College Cork

Verdict - University College Cork

Stíl - University College Cork

The Quarryman - University College Cork

UCC Student History Journal - University College Cork

BREAC - University College Cork

Explicit - Munster Technological University

Student Independent News (SIN) - National University of Ireland, Galway

Limerick Voice - University of Limerick

An Focal - University of Limerick

Silver Hand Journal - Maynooth University

Misc. Magazine - Trinity College Dublin

The University Times - Trinity College Dublin

Trinity News - Trinity College Dublin

Trinity Journal of Literary Translation - Trinity College Dublin

Tn2 Magazine - Trinity College Dublin

The Eagle - Trinity College Dublin

Evergreen Trinity - Trinity College Dublin

Icarus Magazine - Trinity College Dublin

Trinity MENA Review - Trinity College Dublin

The Colloquium - Trinity College Dublin

STANCE - Trinity College Dublin

The College View - Dublin City University

The College Tribune - University College Dublin

The University Observer - University College Dublin

OTwo Magazine - University College Dublin

TU Dublin Tribune - TU Dublin

The Scoop - Queen's University Belfast

The Gown - Queen's University Belfast

The Apiary - Queen's University Belfast

Underscore Media - Ulster University


Student Pages Magazine

Empoword Journalism

The Conference Corner

Trill Mag

The Lambert

Take the Wheel Magazine

The People's News

The Collective Magazine

Per Capita Media