Managing ambition as a student journalist

Splash Sunday – 06/08
July is over and you know what that means – time for another newsletter about what we at the SPA have been up throughout the month!
If you haven’t spotted our brand new, redesigned website, then have a peek over at spajournalism.com, where Digital Media Officer James Chesson has been beavering away behind the scenes, and Chair Dan Falvey has been putting his artistic talents to the test, coming up with a new, brighter header.
Meanwhile Marketing and Development Officers Megan Baynes and Conor Matchett have been putting their thinking caps on for #SPANC18, and getting ahead with planning sponsorship and training opportunities for our members, including an amazing internship opportunity this summer! Read on for how to apply.
And as for me, aside from sunning myself on a beach in Devon, (glamorous, I know) I’ve been working on improving the layouts of Splash Sundays, and keeping my eyes peeled for the best content created by our members. As always, if you’ve got something to share, please tweet @SPAjournalism.
Committee News
Dan Falvey – Chair
“Over the past month we’ve tried to increase the amount of content being posted on our website by writing weekly articles on topical subjects.
“I’ve also had conversations with the Falmouth Anchor about how we can potentially help them secure funding for their publication going forwards.” – DF
Jessica Frank-Keyes – Membership & Communication
“This month I’ve been working on improving the layouts of our Splash Sundays and newsletters – aiming to make them as concise, entertaining and readable as possible.
“(One day I will figure out how to include gifs. Promise.)” – JFK
James Chesson – Digital Media
“In July we launched the new, redesigned SPA website. It is now very pink, has a new menu, shows articles on the front page and much more.
“Remember, if you need any technical support with your website, contact digital@spajournalism.com and I’ll do my best to help.” – JC
Megan Baynes – Marketing & Events
“This past month I’ve been trying to find internship opportunities that we can open up to SPA members.
“Our first exciting opportunity is a day shadowing Elliot Davies, a newsroom developer at the Times and Sunday Times. Read on to find out how to apply and what to expect.” – MB
Conor Matchett – Development
“In Development this month I have continued to work with the new Regional Officers in their roles and talking about the upcoming year.
“I have also begun discussions with major training outlets about them providing bespoke training for SPA free of charge.” – CM
Internships, Portfolios, & More…
(Okay, fiiine. Actually just internships. And portfolios. What do you people want from me?!)
***SPA Summer 2017 Internship: Software, Coding & Digital News***
We’re super excited to announce our first exciting opportunity. A day shadowing Elliot Davies, a newsroom developer at the Times and Sunday Times. We all know digital news is slowly (*extremely quickly) taking over the industry – and with this in mind we’ve gone down the online route for our first placement.
– So, what is it?
Elliot works in software development but with an editorial focus. This means that he sits in the newsroom and helps journalists figure out the best ways to tell stories through interactive graphics and online tools – and also builds tools for journalists to use. This opportunity is a bit different to the standard work experience placement, as it mainly consists of programming. An understanding (or even an interest!) in coding is key here.
You don’t need to be a Computer Science student but you do need to be that way inclined. The specific technologies are HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but experience using these is less important than having an overall interest. Someone who has programmed in another language, for example, would be fine.
– Who will I be working with?
Elliot is a newsroom developer at The Times & Sunday Times, where he helps journalists develop new methods of digital storytelling. He’s a trustee and former development officer of the SPA, and while at the University of St Andrews was the editor of independent student newspaper The Saint.
– And what do I need to do?
Send a CV and covering letter to Megan Baynes (marketing@spajournalism.com) and Dan Falvey (chair@spajournalism.com) by the 18TH AUGUST AT MIDNIGHT. Remember to tell us why we should pick you!
Successful applicants will then be informed within a week and will liaise with Elliot to find a day to shadow that best suits them. Good luck – and any CV advice or questions please get in touch with any of the exec!
***Portfolios, anyone?***
So, you’ve worked on some pitches, written a blog, freelanced, interned, or written for your student paper. Phew! First, pour yourself a drink, and give yourself a pat on the back. Well done!
However, you might be wondering if there’s an easy way to keep all your articles in one place. A digital scrapbook, if you like. Well, luckily there are people out there who have done all the hard work for you, and created a number of platforms where you can do just this. Try out Wakelet or Contently – and thank us later.
Want to be featured in the next newsletter?
Front page you’re particularly proud of? Your paper’s anniversary? Shiny new redesign? Get in touch with communications@spajournalism.com with and we’ll share your news, events and successes with our members across the UK and Ireland.