Splash Sunday 03/09

Splash Sunday – 10/09
August has finally come to an end, and while I’ll miss drinking rosé, sitting in pub gardens, and generally getting nothing done, I won’t miss the changeable weather, camping in the rain, or the eteranal dilemma of what-the-hell-to-wear to work in a heatwave. Sandals? Shorts? Sweating in a long-sleeved shirt? Please advise.
We’ve had a successful August at the SPA – including organising sponsors for #SPANC18 – watch this space – and sending Sophie Dishman, of SR News, off to The Times on a digital work experience placement. More on all that later…
As always, if you’ve got any questions, or have something you’d like to be included in the next newsletter, drop me a line on communications@spajournalism.com or tweet/DM @JessicaFKeyes, or get in touch with the rest of the team here.
– Jess
Committee Updates
Sponsorship, Shadowing, & Snobbery…
- We’re thrilled to announce our first sponsors for #SPANC18, which is already – ten months in advance – looking to be a really exciting event. A massive thank you toPrint and Digital Associates, who will be our headline sponsors, and to City University of London, who will sponsor #SPANC18 *and* two of our regional conferences.
- Congratulations to Sophie Dishman, from SR News, who scored our first SPA work placement – a day spent shadowing newsroom developer Elliot Davies in the Times newsroom. Have a fantastic time – we can’t wait to hear all about it!
- Our committee have been busy keeping the website updated this month, and with a range of article on ambition, top tips for a new job, and getting your publicationverified on Twitter, you’re spoilt for choice. Shout out to Megan Baynes for a particularly interesting read on the value of – and snobbery surrounding – local journalism. Read the lot here.
- In case you missed it, a great piece from the Boar, on research calling for GP-based HIV screening.
- Another great read this month was on the Economist’s website, on the “many pitfalls of journalese”. Definitely worth a look, if only to note that ‘LOVE ISLE SEX DRUG SHOCK’ is perhaps my favourite headline ever.