Splash Sunday – 09/07

Splash Sunday – 23/07
Bath Impact
Jonny Brighton, a student at the University of Bath, was on placement in the House of Lords at the time the speech was made, which named the “University of Bath managerial staff as being vastly overpaid, receiving pay increases far too large when compared with other public sector workers”.
Wessex Scene
“Perhaps the most exciting development of all is that in the press release heralding the dawn of Southampton University’s Snapchat account, they reveal that the Student Communications team will be looking for both staff and students to volunteer to take over the account in the future.” – Wessex Scene, on their university’s latest stride into the world of social media.
The Gown
Orla Traynor takes on the thorny topic of tuition fees: “It is the responsibility of a government to give its citizens the best possible chances in life. For as long as third-level education continues to charge exorbitant fees, the UK government is failing its young people.”
London Student
“The method for the project is relatively straightforward: she gave out 15 disposable cameras to the refugees, in a bid to see the ongoing ‘refugee crisis’ dominated by mainstream media coverage from a different angle: one self-fashioned in the photos they took.” – The London Student interviewed Amy Lineham, UCL medical student, photographer, and activist, about her photography project with refugees: Disposable Perspectives.
I, Science
“As coral reefs are put under increasing stress from rising sea temperatures, some believe that a potential refuge could be the ‘deep blue sea’. However, scientists have now discovered that to thrive under those conditions, corals must possess a fluorescing ability which allows them to seemingly produce their own sunlight.” – a great science piece, by Sarah Barfield Marks.
“So this is it. Exams are finished, room’s packed up, student loan is spent. Filled with empty promises of summer rendezvous and without any job or internship plans, the next three months look pretty bleak. But fear not, for before you lies a handy list of things to keep those thumbs from twiddling all summer.” – Comment Editor, Alicia Rees, gives hope to those planning to spend the summer staring wistfully at Instagram or sleeping.
The Verse
The Verse’s Chanelle Manton previews a new dance class being launched in September 2017, by the charity Swing Patrol: “Worried about those post-summer blues? The Verse might have a solution for you! **First class free for all readers!** Swing Patrol is a charity passionate about getting new people into swing dancing!”
Forge Sport
“Football allowed Bradley to smile and cancer could never take that away from him.” A powerful article about a child’s love of sport, and his battle with the disease that sadly killed him.