Flash Friday 19/2: Zika, Tinder and ethical fashion

Insider Tips for your SPA Awards Entries
It’s that time of the week again – where we pick out the very best of your front pages.
If you want to get involved next week, simply send them over to chair@spajournalism.com
The Boar, Warwick
Hard-hitting stuff from the team at The Boar this week as they discuss mental health, sexual violence, depression and suicide.
You can find the whole newspaper online, and we’d strongly recommend you read it.
Epigram, Bristol
We’re massive fans of Epigram at Bristol anyway – but we sure love the fact they’ve got an investigations editor too.
It’s definitely works too – this week they’re looking into drug use at the university.
The Stag, Surrey
Yes, okay, it’s not a front page, but we LOVE the amazing artwork that’s going on in the fashion section of The Stag.
Let’s not kid about here, those photoshop skills are enviable.
The Courier, Aberystwyth
You can read the whole issue online.